Department of Medical Laboratory TechniquesABOUT US
The aim of Medical Laboratory Techniques program is to educate health personel who can make reliable and precise analyses requested by the doctor to help diagnosis and treatment of the patients.
In this program aiming to educate medical laboratory technicians, an irrevocable part of the health team, there are many courses like medical microbiology, biochemistry, hematology, laboratory chemistry, laboratory equipment, parasitology to equip our students with adequate knowledge. Our students will have the chance to make practices at the university and hospital laboratories.
The language of the program is Turkish, english preparatory education is also offered to students. In this way, students have the opportunity to work in institutions serving foreigners in the field of health.
The Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques provides laboratory facilities, equipment to students to carry out their experiments alone. These laboratories are designed for the students to get used to the laboratory conditions in the first year. Beginning from the second year, students who are accustomed to laboratory conditions continue their internship and practices in the hospital environment and become qualified medical laboratory technicians.
The quota of the department is 24 people in order to offer one-to-one instruction with each student in the lecture and laboratory. In the courses, methods that enable students to participate actively are used.
The graduates of this program have “Medical Laboratory Techniques” associate degree.
The graduates can study in state hospitals, university hospitals, private hospitals, private clinics, diagnostic centers, public health centers, family practice centers, in-vitro fertilization centers and research centers. In addition they can study as technicians at research centers of nutrition or drug institutions. The graduates can enter vertical jump test and follow biology, bioengineering, nursing, nursing and health services, molecular biology and genetics undergraduate programs.
We are educating our students with our expert academic staff in our equipped laboratories. We will be happy to see you in our team.
The mission of the medical laboratory techniques program is to train medical laboratory technicians who are equipped and have ethical values to provide high quality service in the healthcare sector. To improve our students' analytical thinking abilities and professional skills by providing them with education based on scientific foundations; We aim to ensure that students graduate as innovative and responsible individuals who can meet the needs of the health sector.
The vision of the medical laboratory techniques program is to be a leading educational program in its field, recognized nationally and internationally. As a program that closely follows technological developments, constantly renews and improves itself, we aim to become a symbol of quality and trust in the healthcare sector. In this regard, we wish to ensure that our graduates have the knowledge, skills and competencies that will make a difference in health services.

As Izmir University of Economics transforms into a world-class university, it also raises successful young people with global competence.
Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.