Department of Medical Documentation and Secreteriat


The main purpose of “Medical Documentation and Secretariat Program"  is to provide the organization of and access to all sorts of documents and records (eg: personal health records, documents containing data related to health care institutions)  in accordance with scientific rules to improve the quality in health care services.

The program aims to graduate students who are qualified  in the organization of medical information and documents who have good communication skills , a strong sense of responsibility, problem-solving ability, competency in using technological tools, and responsive to the needs of the healtcare sector.

Medical Documentation and Secretariat Program students will follow the courses including topics such as computer programs, keyboard techniques, medical librarianship, office management, and correspondence techniques and secretarial services. Additionally, the students will have the opportunity to have practical courses in contractual health institutions of our university.

Graduates of this program will be assumed with the title of "Medical Secretary" ,and will have an associate degree.

Our graduates will have the opportunity to be employed in various units of public and private healthcare institutions  including;

• hospitals libraries,
• archives of health care facilities,
• private medical centers,
• health insurance companies
• pharmaceutical companies
• clinical information processing services,
• medical supplies providers
• patient registration and admission desks,
• human resources departments

In accordance with the relevant legislation, graduates of the programs have the opportunity for bachelor degree completion by entering the transfer exam.