Department of Elderly CareAbout Us
As a result of recent developments in pharmaceutics and medical care, and growing consciousness towards individual health; the life expectancy among societies is increasing. This situation has also led to an increase in the aged population of our country. However, the growing number of aged population has brought social, psychological and medical problems that need to be resolved urgently.
The social realities; such as shifting from traditional large families to nuclear ones and the increase in the number of working members within families have make it difficult for elderly members to live with their families. Thus, the physiological and psychological changes caused by aging have increased the need for elderly care. This situation had aroused the need for staff who will work for the well being of aged population in collaboration with the existing professionals during the hospitalization of aged population.
In the light of abovementioned facts, Izmir University of Economics had founded the "Elderly Care Program". The main purpose of this program is to educate professionals who;
· Are able to prepare and offer medical and psychological environments required to fulfill the care for elderly people,
· Are capable of contributing to the improvement of quality of elderly people’s lives,
· Are capable of implementing solution during the implication of elderly care practices,
· Have the ability to think analytically,
· Prone to teamwork,
· Have a sense of responsibility
The principals of the program are composed of competencies such as knowing the basic needs of elderly people and acting in accordance with these requirements. In order to achieve this, students are required to take courses such as anatomy, physiology, psychology, social services, aged care policy and practice, gerontology, medical deontology, and ethics. Addition to these courses all graduates have the opportunity to follow applied workshops which will be held in the contractual health institutions of our university.
Graduates of this program will have an “Elderly Care” associate degree. Our graduates will have the opportunity to be employed by public and private hospitals, social security institutions that are responsible for elderly care, and community dwellings.
In accordance with the relevant legislation, graduates of the program have the opportunity for bachelor degree completion by entering the transfer exam.

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Izmir University of Economics produces qualified knowledge and competent technologies.
Izmir University of Economics sees producing social benefit as its reason for existence.